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Parking - Now open July 8, 2024

General Information


Contact Carly Wawroski at or (608) 877-5602.

Due to construction updates students will have access to 

the front parking lot only.


Juniors and Seniors with a VALID drivers license may request student parking. Valid drivers license and proof of insurance must be presented at central registration prior to receipt of pass.

Please review carefully before submitting your request.

** if spots are still available after school starts parking will be opened to sophomores.

Parking Regulations - Motor Vehicles

Students who have been approved to park on campus are required to pay an annual, non-refundable fee of $40.00 (replacement permits are $5).  Students who pay this by the annual due date will be issued a randomly assigned parking permit marked with a stall number for the front or back lot.  This permit must be displayed on the inside rearview mirror at all times.

Student parking areas are furnished by the school district as a courtesy to those students who elect to drive to school and may be revoked by administration at any time for Student Handbook violations and/or excessive disciplinary issues.  These regulations will be monitored and enforced on a daily basis by the Stoughton High School staff and/or Law Enforcement.

General Rules

  • Front lots are only to be used during the school day by students who have purchased a permit
  • Students may park in their assigned permit space only.
  • If another vehicle is parked in your space please report it to the office.  DO NOT park in another space as this will displace someone else.
  • Students must obey yellow lines, no parking areas, visitor and handicapped parking
  • Students should not be in the parking lot and/or their vehicles during the school day unless they are leaving campus and have properly checked out at the attendance office.  
  • Students loitering in the parking lot and/or in cars during the school day will be subject to disciplinary action 
  • Student vehicles are subject to inspection by the principal or designee if reasonable suspicion exists that the safety of the students and the school could be compromised. 
  • These rules also apply to day and evening activities.
Automobiles/Motorcycles will: Motorcycles/Scooters will:
  • abide by state and local traffic regulations including speed limits (5mph on campus)
  • respect the right of way of pedestrians and other vehicles
  • park only in designated space with matching assigned permit displayed
  • follow designated traffic patterns
  • remain in the assigned area for the duration of the day unless the driver has proper authorization to leave campus
  • not park in areas not designated as parking spaces
  • park in the front lot in designated spaces
  • park two to a space, maximum




Ranges of Consequences

for driving/parking offenses on campus, in no particular order, include but are not limited to:

  • written behavioral referral to a principal
  • parent notification
  • parent conference
  • possible referral to law enforcement
  • restitution of damages
  • in or out of school suspension

Repeated offenses may result in permit revocation.

This also applies to students parking on campus that have not been approved to park on campus.

Parking Applications

2024 Front Parking Request