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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the school hours?
8:30 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
What are the Main Office hours?
7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
What time do the doors open?
8:15 a.m. Students should not be in the building before 8:15 a.m. unless they are with a staff member.
What is the Visitor Sign-In Procedure?
All visitors must come to the Main Entrance, Door #1 to sign in. All Visitors will be asked to have their driver's license scanned into our Raptor system. You will then be asked to wear a Visitor badge while in the building. When you leave the building, visitors must sign-out in the Main Office.
What to do if my child will be absent from school?
In the event that a student absence is necessary, parents/guardians must contact the school the morning of the absence or send a note in advance of the absences to excuse the absence.
To leave an absence message please call 608-877-5600 and listen for the attendance line prompt. Give your child's name, date of absence and reason for the absence. When a student is absent and the parent/guardian has not contacted the school, an automated message will be sent to your designated contact advising of the absence.
How do I get a copy of my transcript?
Transcripts are processed electronically. Please visit to order your transcript. Ordering transcripts online is safe, efficient, and accurate. The Parchment website accepts requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Most requests are processed and received within 48 hours. Most colleges and universities in Wisconsin, as well as many other institutions across the nation, accept and prefer to receive transcripts electronically. (There is a small fee per transcript request.)
When do report cards get sent out?
Grades are generally available 3-5 days after a quarter ends. All report cards are available through Campus Portal. Families will also receive a hard copy of report cards at the end of each semester (January and June.)
How do I update my contact information?
Campus Portal is the best way for students/families to update contact information. Campus Portal is accessed from the main page of the Stoughton School District website. If you move or change phone numbers or emails, you can make these changes through Campus Portal.
What is the best way to find out what is going on at the high school?
The high school sends out a weekly newsletter called SHS E-News. It is sent electronically to every student and their parent(s)/guardian(s). The newsletter is also sent out in paper form to those that do not have computer access and have requested the newsletter. Another great way to stay in touch is by the visiting the website. All of our announcements, along with our athletic news is posted daily to our website, usually by mid-morning, and can be found on the high school page on our announcements page.
How do I enroll my child at the high school?
All enrollments are handled at our administration building located at 320 North St. Information is available by visiting here or calling 608-877-5000.
What are graduation requirements?
What scholarships are available?
How do I apply for the FAFSA?
You can visit for more information.
How can I get help with the FAFSA?
Health Question 1: Can the school provide my child with a pain reliever?
No. Under no circumstances will school personnel provide aspirin or other over-the-counter medication without a properly filed Request for Administration of Medication form. The parent must supply medication.
Health Question 2: Can my child carry his/her own medication at school?
Yes. With a properly filed request for Administration of Medication form, over-the-counter medication and prescription medication may be carried and self-administered by students in grades 9 – 12 with the exception of controlled substance medication.